
Lecture 11

20 Março 2024, 13:30 Davide Masoero

Review: Moment generating function
Exercise: Exponential distribution, moments, variance
Bivariate random variable
Joint Cumulative Distribution Function
Marginal CDF's, Independence
Discrete bivariate random variable
Joint and marginal probability functions
Exercise from past exam - throwing of two dice, X=result from the first dice, Y=minimum of the two results

Lecture 10

18 Março 2024, 12:00 Davide Masoero

Completio of exercise 6, chapter 3
Exercise: quantiles for the Pareto distribution
Median, Quartiles, Inter-quartiles range
Summary of localization and dispersion parameter
Moment generating function. Exercise: moment generating function of the Binomial distribution

Practice 5

15 Março 2024, 10:30 Ricardo Pinto Moura

Chapter 3: 3, 11, 12, 13 (6 done in the theoretic class)

Homework: 7

Lecture 9

13 Março 2024, 13:30 Davide Masoero

Review: Expected value of  a function of a random variable
Exercise 4 Chapter 3.
Review: Moments and central moments, variance
Exercise 5 of Chapter 3
Skewness and Kurtosis
Exercise 6 of Chapter 3: partially solved (computation of mean and variance)

Lecture 8

11 Março 2024, 12:00 Davide Masoero

Revision: function of a r.v., expected value of a r.v.
Expected value of a function of a random variable
Example: Bookmaking, odds, implied probability, overround
The expected value as a linear, positive, normalized functional
Moments and central moments
Variance and standard deviation