
Ex mid term exam and chapter 3

4 Novembro 2016, 17:00 Agnieszka Bergel

ex from mid term exam, ex set 3a: 1,2,5.


3 Novembro 2016, 15:00 Pierre Hoonhout

ch3A: 1,2,5 and midterm exam

Lecture T10

2 Novembro 2016, 15:30 NICOLETTA ROSATI

Two dimensional random variables. Joint cumulative distribution function: definition, properties and computation. Marginal cumulative distribution function of X and Y. Independence. Joint probability and density functions; marginal probability and density functions of X and Y.

Ex from chapter 3

21 Outubro 2016, 17:00 Agnieszka Bergel

Ex from chapter 3: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6.


20 Outubro 2016, 15:00 Pierre Hoonhout

ch3: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6