
T3 - Sampling 

27 Setembro 2017, 13:30 Alexandra Bugalho de Moura

Sampling distributions:

- Sample average of normal populations with known variance

- Sample average of normal populations with unknown variance. The t-student distribution.

- Sample variance of normal populations. The chi-squared distribution.

- Difference of sample averages of normal populations, with known and unknown distributions.

- Ratio of sample variances of normal populations. The F-snedcor distribution.


- Asymptotic results: sample average of general populations; the cases of Bernoulli and Poisson.

T2 - Sampling 

25 Setembro 2017, 13:30 Alexandra Bugalho de Moura


  - Sampling Statistics

 -  Distribution of the sample and sampling distribution

- Sampling distribution of the minimum and the maximum of the random sample

Lesson 1

21 Setembro 2017, 15:30 Wilson Araújo


- Revision.

- Distribution of the sample;

- Sampling distribution;

- Order statistics (minimum and maximum of the sample);

- Examples.

Exercise 1.1 a), b).

There was no class by indication of the Rector

20 Setembro 2017, 13:30 Alexandra Bugalho de Moura


There was no class by indication of the Rector, so that professors and students could attend the opening cerimony of the academic year.

T1 - Sampling

18 Setembro 2017, 13:30 Alexandra Bugalho de Moura

Course presentation.


- Population and sample. Random sample. Examples.

- Sample Statistics. Examples.