
Lesson 18

8 Novembro 2016, 13:00 Wilson Araújo

Exercise 3 on parametric tests.

One- and two-sided alternative hypotheses.

Power function. Example.

Uniformly most powerful test.

Lesson 17

4 Novembro 2016, 09:00 Wilson Araújo

Type I and II errors. Size and power of a test. Most powerful test: Neyman-Pearson lemma.

Exercise 1 on parametric tests.

Lesson 16

3 Novembro 2016, 10:00 Wilson Araújo

Introduction to hypothesis testing; Parametric and non-parametric statistical hypotheses; Null and alternative hypotheses; Statistical test; Critical region; Simple and composite hypotheses.


Lesson 15

21 Outubro 2016, 09:00 Wilson Araújo

Discussion of the formulae sheet for examinations.

Revision of sampling and estimation.

Lesson 14

20 Outubro 2016, 10:00 Wilson Araújo

Discussion of exercises no. 8, 10 and 11 of the exercise sheet on interval estimation.

End of interval estimation.