
Parametric tests

13 Março 2014, 14:30 NICOLETTA ROSATI

Two-sided tests: example.

Discussion of exercises 4, 5, 6 and 8 (beginning) from the exercises sheet on parametric tests.

Parametric tests

11 Março 2014, 12:00 NICOLETTA ROSATI

Most powerful test (cont.) One- and two-sided alternative hypotheses. Power function. Uniformly most powerful test.

Completed discussion of Exercises n. 1 and 3 from exercises sheet on parametric tests.

Parametric tests

7 Março 2014, 12:30 NICOLETTA ROSATI

Introduction to most powerful tests. Neyman-Pearson lemma.

Discussion of exercise 3 (beginning) of the exercises sheet on parametric tests.

Testing statistical hypotheses

6 Março 2014, 14:30 NICOLETTA ROSATI

Parametric and non-parametric statistical hypohteses. Null and alternative hypotheses. Statistical test. Critical region. Simple and composite hypotheses. Type I and II errors. Size and power of a test.

 Discussion of exercises 1 (beginning) and 2 of the exercises sheet on parametric tests.

Interval estimation

28 Fevereiro 2014, 12:30 NICOLETTA ROSATI

Example of confidence interval for the Poisson mean.

Discussion of exercises no. 10 and 11 of the exercises sheet on interval estimation.