Bibliografia Detalhada

A liberal grand strategy in a realist world? Power, purpose and the EU´s changing global role,
Michael Smith
Journal of European Public Policy 18:2

Images of the EU beyond its borders: Issue-Specific and Regional Perceptions of European Union Power and Leadership
Natalia Chaban et al.
Journal of Common Market Studies 51:3

European Union Foreign Policy In A Changing World
Smith, Karen
Cambridge: Polity

A closer look into EU´s External Action frontline.
Damien Helly et al
Farming the challenges ahead for EU Delegations, ECDPM Briefing Note No. 62

The European External Action Service and the security-development nexus: organizing for effectiveness or incoherence?
Michael Smith
Journal of European Public Policy 20:9

The European External Action Service and agenda-setting in European foreign policy
Sophie Vanhoonacker & Karolina Pomorska
Journal of European Public Policy 20:9

European Union Economic Diplomacy: The Role of the EU in External Economic Relations
Woolcock, Stephen
Surrey: Ashgate

Strong Europe, Better World: Defending Global Cooperation, Multilateralism and Democracy in Turbulent Times
European Political Strategy Center
EPSC: Brussels

Europe is Back: Economic, Financial, Social and Technological Trends in a Changing World
European Political Strategy Center
EPSC: Brussels

The EU as a 3-D Power: Should Europe Spend More on Diplomacy, Development and Defence?
Koening, Nicole e Jorg Haas
Policy Paper 206, Jacques Delors Institute (Berlin)

The EU and the World: Players and Policies Post-Lisbon, A Handbook
Missiroli, Antonio, ed.
Paris: European Union Institute for Security Studies

The European Union and Emerging Powers in the 21st Century: How Europe Can Shape a New Global Order
Renard, Thomas & Sven Bishop, eds.
Surrey: Ashgate

The European Union and Global Development: An Elightened Superpower in the Making?
Gänzle, S. Grimm & D. Mahkhan, eds.
Basingtstoke: Palgrave Macmillan