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BF2013 Research Paper Presentation

Este artigo é privado e está apenas disponivel para membros do grupo: Alunos de Finanças Comportamentais (FC-0) 1 Semestre - 2013/2014 ou Professores de Finanças Comportamentais (FC-0) 1 Semestre - 2013/2014


BF2013 Research Paper Extended Abstracts

Este artigo é privado e está apenas disponivel para membros do grupo: Utilizadores Autenticados



Papers in brackets have already been taken.

(1. Statman Fisher (2008), Affect in a behavioral asset pricing model, Financial Analysts Journal, 64(2). )

(2. Baker Wurgler (2007), Investor Sentiment, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 21(2), Spring, 129-151. )

( 3. Barber, Odean, Zhu (2009), Systematic Noise Systematic Noise with Brad Barber and Ning Zhu, Journal of Financial Markets, 12, 547-569.)

( 4. Glaser, Weber (2007), Overconfidence and Trading Volume, Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, 32, 1?36.)

(5. Hales (2009), Are investors really willing to agree to disagree, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 108, 230-241.)

(6. Huang, Heian, Zhang (2011), Differences Overconfidence High volume premium, The Journal of Financial Research, 34(1), 1-25.)

7. Madrian,  James, Laibson (2004), For Better or for Worse: Default Effects and Savings Behavior in David A. Wise Edit., Perspectives on the Economics of Aging, University of Chicago Press

( 8. Ben-David, Graham, Harvey (2012) Managerial Miscalibration)

(9. Mullainathan Nöth (2012), The market for financial advice, NBER Working Paper No. 17929, Issued in March 2012.)

(10. Schmitz, Glaser, Weber (2009), Individual investors' sentiment and stock return)

(11. Schoemaker Kunreuther (1979), Experimental study of Insurance Decisions, The Journal of Risk and Insurance, 46 (4), 603-618.)

12. Bernile, Lyandres (2011), Understanding investor sentiment and soccer, Financial Management, Summer 2011, 357-380.

13. Thaler (2011), Behavioral Economics and Consumer Regulation, American Economic Review, 101(3), 417?422.

(14. Odean, Barber, Strahilevitz (2011), Once Burned, Twice Shy: How Naïve Learning, Counterfactuals, and Regret Affect the Repurchase of Stocks Previously Sold with Brad Barber and Michal, Journal of Marketing Research, 48, 102-120.)

(15. Glaser, Markus, and Martin Weber (2007), Why Inexperienced Investors Do Not Learn: They Do Not Know Their Past Portfolio Performance, Finance Research Letters 4(4), 203-216)

(16. Aguiar-Conraria, Luís, Manual M.F. Martins, Maria Joana Soares, Convergence of Sentiment Cycles in the Euro Area: time-frequency analysis, Journal of Common Market Studies, forthcoming 51 (3), May 2013.)

(17. GEIR KIRKEB1EN, ERIK VASAASEN, KARL HALVOR TEIGEN (2013), Revisions and Regret: The Cost of Changing your Mind, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 26, pp. 1?12.)

(18. Wang, Mei, Carmen Keller, Michael Siegrist (2011),The Less You Know, the More You Are Afraid of?A Survey on Risk Perceptions of Investment Products, The Journal of Behavioral Finance, 12(1).)


Papers in brackets have already been taken.