Continuous evaluation encompasses:

• 2 Quizzes (each one weights 15%);
• Final work (written essay about the financial and non-financial reporting of a selected company);
Written exam (40%).  

This way, the final grade results from the weighting of:

  • Quiz 1 - 15%
  • Quiz 2 - 15%
  • Final work - 30%
  • Final exam - 40%

Each one of these elements is not mandatory. This way, the grades obtained in each element will be only considered if higher than the grade obtained in the final exam. Also, if a student skips one or more of these evaluation elements the weight of the final exam will offset the weight allocated to the missed evaluation element. 

For the students that have performed all elements of continuous evaluation, the minimum grade demanded in the final exam will be 7,5 (out of 20) points, while for the remaining students the minimum grade demanded will be 9,5 (out of 20) points. According to ISEG Regulations for Knowledge Evaluation, the students achieving final grades higher than 17 (out of 20) points may have to face an oral exam.