
Session 12

15 Maio 2024, 09:30 Mariya Gubareva

International perspectives of financial economics

International trade 
Foreign exchange market modelling 
Determination and Forecasting  of foreign exchange rates 
Concluding Remarks and Wrapping-Up

Session 12

14 Maio 2024, 09:30 Mariya Gubareva

International perspectives of financial economics

International trade 
Foreign exchange market modelling 
Determination and Forecasting  of foreign exchange rates 
Concluding Remarks and Wrapping-Up

Session 11

8 Maio 2024, 09:30 Mariya Gubareva

Application of the AD-AS model 
- Monetary and Fiscal Policies 

- Investment Decisions
Economic Growth and the Investment Decisions 

Session 11

7 Maio 2024, 09:30 Mariya Gubareva

Application of the AD-AS model 
- Monetary and Fiscal Policies 
- Investment Decisions
Economic Growth and the Investment Decisions 
Definition of the exchange rates 

Session 10

30 Abril 2024, 09:30 Mariya Gubareva

Determination of the Aggregate Demand (cont.) 
Determination of the Aggregate Supply 
Application of the AD-AS model 