Delineating Efficient Portfolios - Portfolios of 2 risky assets perfectly correlated
25 Fevereiro 2025, 13:30 • Jorge Barros Luis
Delineating Efficient Portfolios - Portfolios of 2 risky assets perfectly correlated.
Variance of the Return of a Portfolio of Assets
21 Fevereiro 2025, 14:00 • Jorge Barros Luis
Variance of the Return of a Portfolio of Assets.
Average and Variance of Portfolio Returns
18 Fevereiro 2025, 13:30 • Jorge Barros Luis
Average and Variance of Portfolio Returns (included make-up lecture of the 31st Jan.).
Margins, Markets and Trade Types and Trading Costs
14 Fevereiro 2025, 14:00 • Jorge Barros Luis
Margins, Markets and Trade Types and Trading Costs.
Stock Exchanges: conclusion. Stock Indexes. Indirect Investing. Risk-Return for different alternative security types. Financial Markests - trading mechanisms: introduction.
11 Fevereiro 2025, 13:30 • Jorge Barros Luis
Stock Exchanges: conclusion. Stock Indexes. Indirect Investing. Risk-Return for different alternative security types. Financial Markests - trading mechanisms: introduction.