
Financial Markets and Management

Mestrado Bolonha em Management


1. Preliminaries & Sustainable Finance 1.1 Why study financial markets & management 1.2 What is sustainable finance and why is it important? 1.3 Fundamentals of financial statements & financial analysis 2. Managing investment decisions: Capital Budgeting 2.1 Investment decision rules: NPV rule, IRR rule, Payback rule, Profitability index 2.2 Determining Free Cash Flow & NPV 2.3 Analyzing the project: break-even analysis, sensitivity analysis, scenario analysis 2.4 ESG implications to capital budgeting 3. Capital structure management 3.1 The equity & debt costs of capital 3.2 The perfect world of Modigliani-Miller (1958) 3.3 The market imperfections 3.5 ESG implications to capital structure 4. Advanced valuation methods 4.1 Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) method 4.2 Adjusted Present Value (APV) method 4.3 Flow-to-Equity (FTE) methods 5. Derivatives: 5.1 Option fundamentals 5.2 Option valuation 6. What is next for sustainable financial markets & management?