Future Studies and Innovation Strategy
Mestrado Bolonha em Investigação e Inovação para a Sustentabilidade
PART 1: STRATEGIC FORESIGHT - PRINCIPLES, CONCEPTS AND APPLICATIONS 1.1. Foresight: Origins, Principles and Schools of Thought • Epistemological Principles of Foresight • Schools of Foresight / Futures Studies 1.2. Basic Concepts and Methodological Tools • Basic Concepts of Strategic Foresight: Status and Function • Presentation of a Corporate & Industry Foresight Toolbox PART 2: FORESIGHT APPLIED TO ORGANIZATIONS AND TERRITORIES 2.1. Corporate and Industry Foresight • Objectives and functions of Foresight applied to Organizations and Industries • Methods and Tools of Corporate & Industry Foresight 2.2. Regional or Territorial Foresight - Distinctive elements of Territorial Foresight • Exploration and comparative analysis of international Territorial Foresight projects • Design and implementation of Territorial Foresight Projects - Exercises PART 3. TECHNOLOGICAL FORESIGHT • Objectives and potential of Technological Foresight • Technological Foresight and the Management of Technological Change • Historical evolution of Technological Foresight and Technological Assessment (TA) • Build and manage a Technological Foresight Project • Technological Foresight methodologies and tools PART 4. SCENARIO PLANNING LAB The Scenario Planning Lab offers the possibility of designing and developing a complete Scenario Planning project.