
Session 7

2 Novembro 2023, 09:00 Jesualdo Fernandes

SQL Select commands:
Queries with multiple joins, self joins, Group By / Having

Session 6

26 Outubro 2023, 09:00 Jesualdo Fernandes

SQL DDL commands
SQL DNL Insert, update and Delete.
SQL Select simple single table queries.

Session 5

19 Outubro 2023, 09:00 Jesualdo Fernandes

Finalizing Project Management Exercise: Class Diagram, Relational Schema and Logical Model diagram.

Introduction of the SQL client DBeaver
SQL slides - up to slide 8

Session 4

12 Outubro 2023, 09:00 Jesualdo Fernandes

Transposition of the Class Diagram to the Relational Schema
Exercises Library and Helpdesk - Transposition to the relational schema.
ProjMan exercise class diagram (incomplete).

Session 3

28 Setembro 2023, 09:00 Jesualdo Fernandes

Solving of the Helpdesk exercise - Conceptual Model.

Transposition from the Class Diagrams to the Relational model - Many-to-1 and 1-to-1 associations.