There are 2 choices in terms of grading: 

(1) Continuous Evaluation Regime 

In this regime, students are graded based on: 

1. Participation in classes and Problem Solving throughout the semester (60%, of which 30% in individual work and 30% in group work). The individual work is evaluated through 4 quizzes, of which          will be considered the 3 best. Quizzes will be applied online at 18:30 on the following dates: 28/09/2020; 02/11/2020; 30/11/2020; and 14/12/2020. The group work is evaluated through two            works. To this end, students will have to form groups with 3 to 5 individuals in Aquila and later submit the work via Aquila. Students will have to submit a document and its supporting Excel              file. These two files should be submitted in a single ZIP file.

2. Final Exam (Normal call), taking place on January 22, 2021 at 09:00 hours (40%). 

   Notes: The Continuous Evaluation Regime applies only to students that achieve a minimum grade of 7.5 (out of 20) in the Final Exam (EN). 

(2) Final Exam (Second Call) 

      In this regime, students are required to answer a final exam, taking place on February 4, 2021 at 15:00 hours, according to the academic Schedule.