
Lecture 8.2: Capital Structure under market Imperfections: Agency Problems & Asymmetric Information

25 Novembro 2022, 18:30 Mariya Gubareva

Exploiting Debt Holders: The Agency Costs of Leverage
Motivating Managers: The Agency Benefits of Leverage
Agency Costs and the Tradeoff Theory
Asymmetric Information and Capital Structure
Capital Structure: The Bottom Line
Problems 8.4-8.5

Lecture 8.1: Capital Structure under market Imperfections: Financial Distress Costs

18 Novembro 2022, 20:00 Mariya Gubareva

Default and Bankruptcy in a Perfect Market
The Costs of Bankruptcy and Financial Distress
Financial Distress Costs and Firm Value
Optimal Capital Structure: The Tradeoff Theory
Problem 8.1-8.3

Lecture 8.1: Capital Structure under market Imperfections: Financial Distress Costs

18 Novembro 2022, 18:30 Mariya Gubareva

Default and Bankruptcy in a Perfect Market
The Costs of Bankruptcy and Financial Distress
Financial Distress Costs and Firm Value
Optimal Capital Structure: The Tradeoff Theory
Problem 8.1-8.3

Lecture 7.2: Capital Structure under market Imperfections: debt & taxes

11 Novembro 2022, 20:00 Mariya Gubareva

The Interest Tax Deduction
Valuing the Interest Tax Shield 
- Interest Tax Shield with Permanent Debt
- WACC with Taxes
- Interest Tax Shield with a Target Debt-Equity Ratio
Optimal Capital Structure with Taxes
Problem 7.3

Lecture 7.2: Capital Structure under market Imperfections: debt & taxes

11 Novembro 2022, 18:30 Mariya Gubareva

The Interest Tax Deduction
Valuing the Interest Tax Shield 
- Interest Tax Shield with Permanent Debt
- WACC with Taxes
- Interest Tax Shield with a Target Debt-Equity Ratio
Optimal Capital Structure with Taxes
Problem 7.3