
Class for questions

10 Maio 2024, 18:30 Manuel Duarte Mendes Monteiro Laranja

Class for questions

Profound innovation

3 Maio 2024, 18:30 Manuel Duarte Mendes Monteiro Laranja

Profound innovation

Theory U:  transforming people, organisations and society

Workshop 3 Design of Regenerative and Distributive Business Models - pitch

26 Abril 2024, 18:30 Manuel Duarte Mendes Monteiro Laranja

Workshop 3

Design of Regenerative and Distributive Business Models - pitch

workshop 2 Know your Business Model (as is!) - pitch

19 Abril 2024, 18:30 Manuel Duarte Mendes Monteiro Laranja

Workshop 2

Know your Business Model (as is!) - pitch

Business Model Innovation

12 Abril 2024, 18:30 Manuel Duarte Mendes Monteiro Laranja

Business Model Innovation for a regenerative and distributive economy