Formation of the contemporary world economy
14 Março 2012, 10:00 • Ana Bela Ferreira Macias Nunes
= The integration process of world-economies .
= The integration process of agricultural-pastoral local economies .
= The integration of predatory local economies .
Aula prática nº3- A difusão do crescimento económico no século XIX
13 Março 2012, 09:30 • Leonor Freire Costa
Discussão e análise do texto de A. Gerschenkron, "O atraso económico numa perspectiva histórica"
The first globalization process International flows of goods and resources in the nineteenth century
13 Março 2012, 09:30 • Ana Bela Ferreira Macias Nunes
= Flows of goods : the growth of international trade .
= Flows of capital: foreign investment and external public debt in the context of the gold standard
= Flows of labour : international migrations