Modern business and the evolution to managerial capitalism. From the personal form of organization to the managerial stage
29 Abril 2009, 08:30 • Nuno Valério
= The second industrial revolution: technological, market and institutional constraints. Transport and communications facilities. = Mass production and the 'automatic-line'. The cost advantage of scale economies. = Modern business as big business. = Modern business as a result of horizontal and typically vertical integration processes (defensive strategies). = The internal growth of firms: the integrated firm. The centralized multifunctional structure and the hierarchy of managers.
Estruturas organizativas no limiar do século XIX
28 Abril 2009, 12:30 • Pedro Neves
! - A indústria antes da fábrica
2 - O sistema fabril
3 - A pequena empresa capitalista
As crises mundiais do século XX
27 Abril 2009, 10:30 • Pedro Neves
1 - Crise da Bolsa e Crise do Petróleo
2 - Características das crises: alguns indicadores
3 - Consequências: da era de Keynes à era de Friedman
As crises mundiais do século XX
27 Abril 2009, 09:30 • Pedro Neves
1 - Crise da Bolsa e Crise do Petróleo
2 - Características das crises: alguns indicadores
3 - Consequências: da era de Keynes à era de Friedman