
Equilibrium in the Household Work-Market Work- Leisure Model (cont.)

22 Março 2017, 15:00 Elsa Fontainha

Equilibrium in the Household Work-Market Work- Leisure Model.

Case of 2 households with different preferences.


The effects of an increase of a non labor income (from V to V')

Labor and Leisure Trade-off

20 Março 2017, 15:00 Elsa Fontainha

Work and Leisure

The budget line equation of the Households. Graphic representation.

The Marginal Product of Household Production, the wage (in the labor market) and the labor market participation.

The total household budget line. Graphic representation of the allocation of leisure and 2 categories of labor.

Leisure and Work trade off ; Time Use Data

13 Março 2017, 15:00 Elsa Fontainha

Leisure and Work (market and non-market work)  trade off .

Time Use Data (example from American Time Use microdata)

Household Utility Function.

Household Production Function.

Time Alocation decisions (introduction)


Household Data Analysis

8 Março 2017, 15:00 Elsa Fontainha

Household Data Analysis

Household Survey Data Analysis

6 Março 2017, 15:00 Elsa Fontainha

Microdata analysis

SILC Ad-Hoc Module Analysis

-creating and recoding variables

-results analysis 

Determinants of Demand for Credit