
Time Allocation

14 Março 2018, 15:00 Elsa Fontainha

Time allocation and Household production (Introduction).

Practical examples from exam and test.

Practical Exercises

12 Março 2018, 15:00 Elsa Fontainha

Practical Exercises using ESS microdata.

Introduction to Household Survey Analysis

7 Março 2018, 15:00 Elsa Fontainha

Introduction to Household Survey Analysis

Exploring the variables.

Exercise: proposing a research question based on the microdata for European households.

Introduction to Household Survey Analysis

5 Março 2018, 15:00 Elsa Fontainha

Introduction to Household Survey Analysis

Demand for Credit ; Data analysis

26 Fevereiro 2018, 15:00 Elsa Fontainha

Data Analysis of Demand for Credit based on Eurostat tabulated data.

Age, gender, level of urbanization, group of income, etc. were the potential explanatory factors of the demand for credit, demand for bank services (depoisits etc.)

Results and very brief discussion of the results.

Next session: next Monday ( working with microdata)