Critics and alternatives to the first neoclassical school
8 Novembro 2016, 18:00 • Nuno Valério
Theories of equilibrium below full employment.
Text by John Keynes.
Neoclassical schools II
25 Outubro 2016, 18:00 • Nuno Valério
The Lausanne school. The first neoclassical synthesis.
Text by Enrico Barone.
Neoclassical schools I
18 Outubro 2016, 18:00 • Nuno Valério
Forerunners. Wien school. CAmbridge school.
Text by Alfred Marshall.
The heterodox currents
11 Outubro 2016, 18:00 • Nuno Valério
Historicists, institutionalists and historical materialism.
Text by Karl Marx.