
Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão

This course provides an overview of the Portuguese Juridical System. Upon successful completion of this course the student shall inter alia develop a legal vocabulary, explain fundamental legal concepts and discuss topics relating to the Law: - The concept of Law: Law, Society and Normative Social Orders; - Branches of Law: International and Internal; Public, Private and Hybrid; - The State and the Portuguese Constitutional System: the Portuguese Juridical System and the State of Law (Origins, Evolution and Crisis); - Sources of Law and the Creation of Legal Rules: Law (Hierarchy, Types of Legislative Acts, Review of Constitutionality and Legality. Termination of Laws and Codification, Customs and Practices, Jurisprudence, Doctrine and Equity; - The Juridical Rule: Features, Structure, Types and Sanctions; - Interpretation, Integration and Application of Juridical Rules: Interpretation Processes, Integration Processes and Application Processes (Retroactivity); - The Juridical Relation: Concepts, Types, Subjective Rights and Juridical Duties, Elements (Subjects, Object, Juridical Fact and Guarantee); - Contracts (Formation Process, Lacks and Vices of the Juridical Will and Contractual Perfection) and Civil Liability (Types, Regime and Consequences).