The final grade for this course is calculated according to the following scheme: Class participation 10%
Midterm exam 40%
Final exam 50%

Active class participation –rather than simply attending classes‐ is what gets rewarded.

The midterm exam will be held in class during the second week (November 2125), while the final will take place according to the ISEG calendar.


Both exams are closed book, and contain a mix of multiple choice and openended questions. You will be allowed to use a silent battery operated calculator during the exams, while laptops are not allowed. All appeals of grades should be addressed within one week. I will be glad to regrade any exam. However, you must provide a statement in writing as to where and why there is a problem. Verbal appeals of grades will not be accepted. Importantly, the entire exam will be regraded. As a result, the regraded score may increase, remain the same, or decrease. Exams written with pencil are not valid.