- _robbins_mgmt15_ppt_Ch01 - Managers and You in the Workplace (adapted by RFB).pdf
- _robbins_mgmt15_ppt_Ch01m - Management History (adapted by RFB).pdf
- _robbins_mgmt15_ppt_Ch02 - The Decision-Making Process (adapted by RFB).pdf
- _robbins_mgmt15_ppt_Ch03 - External Environment and Org Culture (adapted by RFB).pdf
- _robbins_mgmt15_ppt_Ch04 - Managing in a Global Environment (adapted by RFB).pdf
- _robbins_mgmt15_ppt_Ch05- Managing Diversity (adapted by RFB).pdf
- _robbins_mgmt15_ppt_Ch06 - Social Responsibility and Ethics (adapted by RFB).pdf
- _robbins_mgmt15_ppt_Ch07 - Managing Change and Disruptive Innovation (adapted by RFB).pdf
- _robbins_mgmt15_ppt_Ch08 - Planning (adapted by RFB).pdf
- _robbins_mgmt15_ppt_Ch18 - Monitoring and Controlling (adapted by RFB).pdf
- _robbins_mgmt15_ppt_Ch09 - Strategy (adapted by RFB).pdf
- _robbins_mgmt15_ppt_Ch11 - Organizational Design (adapted by RFB)vFenix.pdf
- _robbins_mgmt15_ppt_Ch12 - Human Resource Management (adapted by RFB).pdf
- _robbins_mgmt15_ppt_Ch13 - Managing Groups and Teams (adapted by RFB).pdf
- _robbins_mgmt15_ppt_Ch15 - Understanding and Managing Individual Behavior (adapted by RFB).pdf
- _robbins_mgmt15_ppt_Ch16 - Motivating Employees (adapted by RFB).pdf
- _robbins_mgmt15_ppt_Ch17 - Leadership (adapted by RFB).pdf