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1. A Economia do Desenvolvimento e as instituições

[01] Thorbecke, Erik (2007). "The Evolution of the Development Doctrine, 1950-2005". In: Mavrotas, G. and Shorrocks, A. (eds.) Advancing Development. Core Themes in Global Economics. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 3-36.

[02] Meier, Gerald M. (2005). Biography of a Subject. An Evolution of Development Economics. New York, Oxford University Press. ["4. Early Development Economics 1: Analytics" (53-67); "5. Early Development Economics 2: Historical Perspectives" (68-80); "6. Orthodox Reaction" (81-94)].

[03] Chenery, Hollis B. (1975). "The Structuralist Approach to Development Policy". American Economic Review, Vol. LXV, Nº 2: 310-316.

[04] Lal, Deepak (1985). "Misconceptions of Development Economics". Finance & Development. Nº 22, June: 10-13.

[05] Krueger, Anne O. (1990). "Government Failures in Development". The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 4, Nº 3: 9-23.

2.  Elementos de economia institucional: metodologias, conceitos e natureza das instituições

[06] Polanyi, Karl (1957). "The Economy as Instituted Process". In: Polanyi, K.; Arensberg, C. e Pearson, H. (eds.) Trade and Market in the Early Empires: Economies in History and Theory. New York, Free Press: 243-70.

[07] Granovetter, Mark (1985). "Economic Action and Social Structure: The Problem of Embeddedness". The American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 91, Nº 3: 481-510.

[08] Hodgson, Geoffrey M. (1998). "The Approach of Institutional Economics". Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 36, Nº 1: 166-192.

[09] Conceição, Octavio A.C. (2002). "O Conceito de Instituição nas Modernas Abordagens Institucionalistas". Revista de Economia Contemporânea (Rio de Janeiro), Vol. 6, Nº 2: 119-146.

[10] Hodgson, Geoffrey M. (1988). Economia e Instituições. Oeiras, Celta Editora, 1994. ["8. Os mercados como instituições" (173-194)].

3.  A Nova Economia Institucional (NEI) e o desenvolvimento económico

[11] Williamson , Oliver E. (2000). " The New Institutional Economics: Taking Stock, Looking Ahead ". Journal of Economic Literature , Vol. 38, Nº 3: 595-613.

[12] North, Douglass (1991). "Institutions". Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 5, Nº 1: 97-112.

[13] Shirley, Mary M. (2005). "Institutions and Development". In: Ménard, C. and Shirley, M.M. (eds.) Handbook of New Institutional Economics. Dordrecht, Springer: 611-665.

4.  Informação imperfeita, instituições e desenvolvimento económico: um neokeynesianismo institucionalista

[14] Stiglitz, Joseph (1986). "The New Development Economics". World Development, Vol. 14, Nº 2: 257-265.

[15] Stiglitz, Joseph (1996). "Some Lessons from the East Asian Miracle". The World Bank Research Observer, Volume 11, Nº 2: 151-177.

[16] Meier, Gerald M. (2005). Biography of a Subject. An Evolution of Development Economics. New York, Oxford University Press. ["8. The New Development Economics " (118-128)].

5. A industrialização tardia e o Estado desenvolvimentista: um neo-estruturalismo institucionalista

[17] Estêvão, João (2004). Desenvolvimento Económico e Mudança Institucional: O Papel do Estado. Working Paper WP08/2004/DE/CESA, Departamento de Economia, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão.

[18] Onis, Zyia (1991). "The Logic of the Developmental State". Comparative Politics , 24, Nº 1: 109-26. [Disponível na base JSTOR].

[19] Amsden, Alice (1989). Asia's Next Giant . New York, Oxford University Press. ["1. Industrializing through Learning" (3-23)].

[20] Evans, Peter (1995). Embed ded Autonomy. States & Industrial Transformation . Princeton, Princeton University Press. ["3 States" (43-73)].

[21] Wade, Robert (1990). Governing the Market. Princeton NJ, Princeton University Press. ["1. States Markets and Industrial Policy" (8-33)].

6. Instituições e governaçã

[22] Kaufmann, Daniel (2004). Governance Redux: The Empirical Challenge . Working Paper Series, World Bank e SSRN [ On-line]. Disponível em:

[23] Dam, Kenneth W. (2006). Institutions, History and Economic Development. Chicago Working Papers in Law and Economics, nº 271, University of Chicago. [ On-line. Disponível em ].