
EU migrant quotas

17 Novembro 2016, 15:00 Ann Henshall

skills focus: speaking

Group analysis of migrant quotas. (p 2,3, ex A2). Assigned written assignment. Due next Thursday (p 3, ex A 3.)

Introduction theme 2

15 Novembro 2016, 17:00 Ann Henshall

skills focus: speaking

Went over mid-term test. Anyone who wishes to rewrite the writing component may do so.

The migrant crisis. Analysis and discussion of 3 introductory graphs. (Issues facing Europe: ex A 1. p. 1,2). Assigned technical vocabulary topics 16.3, 16.6 for next week. (on Aquila)

Introduction theme 2

15 Novembro 2016, 15:00 Ann Henshall

skills focus: speaking

Went over mid-term test. Anyone who wishes to rewrite the writing component may do so.

The migrant crisis. Analysis and discussion of 3 introductory graphs. (Issues facing Europe: ex A 1. p. 1,2). Assigned technical vocabulary for next week. (on Aquila)

Role play

10 Novembro 2016, 17:00 Ann Henshall

Skills focus: speaking & writing

Role play (p 13 ex X). Explored socio-cultual contexts of the texts read during the study of the oil industry. (p 12: Ex T) Assigned writing 3 (p 12, ex U). Due next Thursday.

I have placed the materials for the Migrant crisis and technical vocabulary for week 9 on Aquila. Students should print the file (Theme 2_part 1) for next week.

Role play

10 Novembro 2016, 15:00 Ann Henshall

Skills focus: speaking & writing

Role play (p 13 ex X). Explored socio-cultual contexts of the texts read during the study of the oil industry. (p 12: Ex T)

I have placed the materials for the Migrant crisis and technical vocabulary for week 9 on Aquila. Students should print the file (Theme 2_part 1) for next week.