
Understanding pump prices

19 Março 2020, 15:00 Ann Henshall

The oil industry Ex C. pp 3 . 5.

Due to the changes to classes, the assessment process has been changed for those students doing semester-based assessment. The components are: writing portfolio 30%; debate 40%; exam 30%.

technical vocab & understanding pump prices

17 Março 2020, 15:00 Ann Henshall

Corrected topics 6.5 and 8.2. Assigned topics 8.6 and 10.1 for next week.

Began ex C. Students should finish questions for homework for next lesson.

Students should also rewrite the paragraph on the cartoon analysis and send it to me by email, as a word document.


10 Março 2020, 15:00 Ann Henshall

Class suspended.

Technical vocab & data commentary

5 Março 2020, 15:00 Ann Henshall

Corrected topics 6-2 and 7.6. Assigned 2b and 3a for next week. Explored generic structure of data commentaries and differences in the hierarchical structure of field in the verbal and visual modes. (the oil industry, ex B. 4. 6.)

Data commentary

3 Março 2020, 15:00 Ann Henshall

The oil industry, ex B 1.2.3. 5.