
Technical vocab and grammar feedback

7 Novembro 2013, 15:00 Ann Henshall

Skills focus: speaking & listening.

Student-led correction of 1.4. Assigned topics 9a and 9b for next week. Assigned final written assignment for the oil industry (p 15, ex BB.) Due next week.

Introduction Theme 2: Innovation

Technical vocab and grammar feedback

6 Novembro 2013, 18:00 Ann Henshall

Skills focus: speaking & listening & language focus.

Student-led correction of 1.4. Assigned topics 9a and 9b for next week.

Trouble shooting student problems with grammar.

Socio-cultural contexts (cont) & oral presentation

6 Novembro 2013, 16:30 Ann Henshall

skills focus: writing; speaking, listening

Oral presentation on bicycles and discussion.

Continued exploring the socio-cultural contexts of texts studied so far this semester, relating them to the lexico-grammatical choices in the texts. (p 15, ex AA).

Socio-cultural contexts (cont)

5 Novembro 2013, 14:30 Ann Henshall

skills focus: writing

Finished exploring the socio-cultural contexts of texts studied so far this semester, relating them to the lexico-grammatical choices in the texts. (p 15, ex AA). Assigned writing 4: p 15, ex BB. Due next week.

Exploring the socio-cultural context

4 Novembro 2013, 18:00 Ann Henshall

Skills focus: writing

Collaborative analysis of socio-cultural context of the texts studied so far this semester to relate context to language choices. (p 15 ex AA unfinished).