
The eurozone crisis (cont)

10 Dezembro 2012, 16:30 Ann Henshall

Skill focus: writing

Expressing cause and effect: differences between a more spoken style and a more written style. Ex.E, 5. (p9 unfinished)

The Eurozone crisis

6 Dezembro 2012, 15:00 Ann Henshall

Skills focus: reading, speaking, listening

Ex. E (p 6,7,8) Presentations from flow charts

Oral presentations

5 Dezembro 2012, 18:00 Ann Henshall

Skills focus: speaking & listening

Oral presentations and discussion on the oil industry in the US and Bankia.



Technical vocab and David Harvey

5 Dezembro 2012, 16:30 Ann Henshall

Student-led correction of topics 7.1 and 8.4. Assigned 2.2, 3.2, 1.4 and 8.5 for next week.

Finished David Harvey's Marxist explanation of the crisis.

David Harvey (cont)

4 Dezembro 2012, 14:30 Ann Henshall

skills focus: listening

Finished David Harvey's explanation of the crisis.

Pre-reading vocabulary for ex E. (p 6)