
The Financial Crisis (introduction)

10 Novembro 2010, 16:30 Ann Henshall

skills focus: speaking, listening, vocabulary

Technical vocabulary 15.1,15.2


9 Novembro 2010, 16:30 Ann Henshall

Skills focus: reading, writing

Minitest on the oil industry.


9 Novembro 2010, 15:00 Ann Henshall

Skills focus: reading, writing

Minitest on the oil industry.

Oil industry conclusion

8 Novembro 2010, 18:00 Ann Henshall

Skills focus: writing

Explored socio-cultural contexts of the texts studied so far to improve genre awareness. Assigned writing IV (p 15).

Vocab topics for Wednesday (15.1 and 15.2) are available on Aquila.

Oil industry conclusion

8 Novembro 2010, 16:30 Ann Henshall

Skills focus: writing

Explored socio-cultural contexts of the texts studied so far to improve genre awareness. Assigned writing IV (p 15).

Vocab topics for Wednesday (15.1 and 15.2) are available on Aquila.