
Theme 2 introduction

8 Abril 2021, 12:00 Ann Henshall

Introduction Theme 2: The world of work. Discussion. (The world of work, ex A) 
Homework: topics 13.2 & 13.3.


6 Abril 2021, 12:00 Ann Henshall

Finished closed exercise on behavioural interviews. Wrapped up theme of getting a job with analysis of cartoons on the theme.


1 Abril 2021, 12:00 Ann Henshall

Interview simulations


30 Março 2021, 12:00 Ann Henshall

Interview preparation. Ex E. 1.2. (Getting a job) & STAR framework (file on Teams).
Next lesson we shall be simulating interviews, so you need to have your CV & letter/personal statement ready to upload for your interviewers.

Analytical reports

25 Março 2021, 12:00 Ann Henshall

Planned analytical report on HBR case study. See Assignment and attached doc. on Teams.