
Multicultural teams

6 Maio 2015, 16:30 Ann Henshall

skills focus: speaking

Multicultural team role plays: (Ex E. 2: situations 5,6) Identified sources of problems (Ex E. 3 p 14) Assigned technical vocabulary 16.3; 3.2 for next week.

Working in a multicultural team

5 Maio 2015, 14:30 Ann Henshall

Skills focus: speaking

role play of exercise E. 2: situations 1-4 (p10-12)

Intercultural communication

4 Maio 2015, 18:00 Ann Henshall

skills focus: writing, speaking

Followed up analysis of figure showing intercultural communication with how the interpretation would be expressed in writing. (Ex D 3; 4. p 9, 10) Discussion of what could cause misunderstandings in a multicultural team. (Ex E 1. p 10)

Students attended equivalent class for L02.

Intercultural communication

4 Maio 2015, 16:30 Ann Henshall

skills focus: writing, speaking

Followed up analysis of figure showing intercultural communication with how the interpretation would be expressed in writing. (Ex D 3; 4. p 9, 10) Discussion of what could cause misunderstandings in a multicultural team. (Ex E 1. p 10)

Pedagogical survey

Technical vocab

30 Abril 2015, 15:00 Ann Henshall

skills focus: speaking (interaction)

Student-led correction of topics 16.2 and 14.3. Assigned10.4 and 16.4 for next week. Introduced 2nd part of the theme 'Working around the world'.  Discussion. (Ex D, 1.2. p. 9) Students attended equivalent class for L02.