
Technical vocabulary & intercultural communication

22 Abril 2013, 18:00 Ann Henshall

Student-led correction of topics 13.3 and 10.5 (unfinished). Focus on language for analysing figures (Intercultural communication, p 3 ex A 5-6. ) Assigned writing (p 1 ex 4.) Due Thursday, 2 May.

Introduction theme 2

22 Abril 2013, 16:30 Ann Henshall

Skills focus: speaking & writing

Oral analysis of 2 figures on intercultural communication. Language focus on verbs for describing, interpreting and stating the message.

Introduction to theme 2

18 Abril 2013, 15:00 Ann Henshall

Skills focus: speaking & interaction

Analysis & discussion of images for intercultural communication.

Technical vocabulary & HBR case study

17 Abril 2013, 18:00 Ann Henshall

Skills focus: speaking, listening, reading

Reading for specific information on the experts' opinions on the Mimi Brewster recruitment case study. Information sharing to get all the information (pp 12-19.)

Assigned writing 3: p 19, ex J. Due Wednesday, 24 April.

HBR case study

17 Abril 2013, 16:30 Ann Henshall

Skills focus: speaking & listening.

Pairs presented experts' opinions on the Mimi Brewster case. Discussion. Assigned writing 3 (p 19, ex J). Due Wednesday, 24 April.