Students have the first two weeks in the semester to decide whether or not they wish to enroll in the  continuous evaluation regime, or if they prefer to be evaluated based upon the  one exam regime.

Students under the  continuous evaluation regime are evaluated based upon several individual and group assignment and have access to the usual two exam seasons. In the first exam season the continuous evaluation final grade is the weighted average of all outcomes (including their 1  st seating exam grade), while in the second exam season the final grade is the grade at the 2  nd seating exam.


Students under the  one exam regime are evaluated only based upon their performance at the second seating exam.

  • Continuous Evaluation Regime

Students who decide to enroll in the continuous evaluation regime, should do so by registering their working group in the AQUILA system before  30th September 2017.

Each group must have between 3 to 5 students at all times. Groups with less than 5 elements may have to accept other elements during the semester.

The  continuous regime is based upon:

◦          Simulation Game (group) - SG (10%)

◦          Empirical Assignment (group) - EA (25%)

◦          CFA-style online Quiz Questions (individual) -QQ (15%) 

◦          First Final Exam (individual) - 1  st FE (50%*)


The first season final grade (1  st Grade) is computed as

st Grade = 0.1 x SG + 0.25 x EA + 0.15 x QQ + 0.5 x 1  st FE

* it is, nonetheless, still required a minimum of 8 points (out of 20) at the final exam.

The second season final grade (2  nd Grade) is computed:

·          If the student had a 1  st Grade <10, then

nd Grade = max (0.1 x SG + 0.25 x EA + 0.15 x QQ + 0.5 x 2  nd FE ;  nd FE)


·          If the student had a 1  st Grade >=10, then


nd Grade = 2  nd FE


  • One-exam Regime

All students that do not enroll in the continuous evaluation regime in the AQUILA system before  30th September 2017 are automatically chose the one exam regime.

Students who decide to enroll in the one exam regime can only attend the second seating final exam (2  ndFE), their final grade will simply be:

Grade = 2  nd FE