
Culture & Further Issues

19 Março 2024, 11:00 Sumita Amitava Datta

The topic of culture was taught using group exercises

Power, Politics and Networking

18 Março 2024, 14:00 Sumita Amitava Datta

The topics of power, politics and networking are discussed using a case study and group exercises

Conflict management outcomes and Trust

15 Março 2024, 14:00 Sumita Amitava Datta

The topic of nogotitaion and importance of Trust was discussed in the class

Business ethics

15 Março 2024, 09:00 Sumita Amitava Datta

The topic of Business ethics and responsible leadership was taught by guest lecturer in the class


13 Março 2024, 14:00 Sumita Amitava Datta

Negotiation strategies and process inclusion the usage of conflict management approaches was taught with the help of role plays, lecture and class discussion