Bibliografia Detalhada

Handbook of Metaheuristics, International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 146, 2nd edition
M. Gendreau and J.Y. Potvin (Eds.)
Springer, New York ,
(Bibliografia Opcional)

Transportation, Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science 14
C. Barnhart and G. Laporte (Eds)
North-Holland, Amsterdam,
(Bibliografia Opcional)

Facility location and supply chain management. A review
M.T. Melo, S. Nickel and F. Saldanha da Gama
European Journal of Operational Research 196, 401-412
(Bibliografia Opcional)

Facility location models for distribution system design
A. Klose and A. Drexl
European Journal of Operational Research 162, 4-29
(Bibliografia Opcional)

Network Flows: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
R.K. Ahuja, T.L. Magnanti and J.B. Orlin
Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs
(Bibliografia Opcional)

The vehicle routing problem: Latest advances and new challenges
B. Golden, S. Raghavan and E. Wasil (Eds)
Springer Series in Operations Research/ Computer Science Interfaces
(Bibliografia Opcional)

Industrial aspects and literature survey: Fleet composition and routing
A. Hoff, H. Andersson, M. Christiansen, G. Hasle and A. Løkketangen
Computers & Operations Research 37, 2041-2061
(Bibliografia Opcional)

Discrete Location Theory
P.B. Mirchandani and R.L. Francis
Wiley-Interscience Series in Discrete Mathematics and Optimization, New York
(Bibliografia Opcional)

On the road to connectivity
J. Partyka and R. Hall
OR/MS Today 37 (1), February 2010
(Bibliografia Opcional)

How to Solve It: Modern Heuristics
Z. Michalewicz and D.B. Fogel
2nd edition, Springer, Berlin

Introduction to Operations Research
F.S. Hillier and G.J. Lieberman
9th edition, McGraw-Hill, New York

Introduction to Logistics Systems Planning and Control
G. Ghiani, G. Laporte and R. Musmanno
John Wiley & Sons, Chichester

Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation
S. Chopra and P. Meindl
3rd edition, Pearson, New Jersey

Designing & Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies & Case Studies
D. Simchi-Levi, P. Kaminsky and E. Simchi-Levi
3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill

The Vehicle Routing Problems SIAM Monographs on Discrete Mathematics and Applications
P. Toth and D. Vigo
SIAM Monographs on Discrete Mathematics and Applications, Philadelphia