Lecture 15
7 Novembro 2023, 08:00 • Alexandra Symeonides
Derivative of the inverse function and application to the calculus of inverse trigonometric
functions. Local extrema. Fermat theorem.
Lecture 14
6 Novembro 2023, 08:00 • Alexandra Symeonides
Tangent line to the graph of a function, notion of derivative of a function in a point.
Derivative function and elementary derivation rules. Derivative of a composed function.
Practice 7
3 Novembro 2023, 10:00 • Alexandra Symeonides
Geometric series ex. 13 d)g) and 15. a)
Inverse trigonometric functions ex. 2 d) e) 3. a) 4. a) c)
Practice 7
3 Novembro 2023, 08:00 • Alexandra Symeonides
Geometric series ex. 13 d)g) and 15. a)
Inverse trigonometric functions ex. 2 d) e) 3. a) 4. a) c)