11 Fevereiro 2025, 09:30 • Alexandra Symeonides
Determinant of a square matrix of type 2 × 2. Principal minors. Recursive definition of the determinant by Laplace’s rule. Determinant of the transpose and of triangular matrices. Relation between determinant and invertibility. Determinant of the product; the inverse and integer powers of a matrix.
10 Fevereiro 2025, 09:30 • Alexandra Symeonides
Rank of a matrix: invariance under elementary row operations. Gaussian elimination method for the calculus of the rank. Square matrices: identity matrix and inverse matrix. Uniqueness of the inverse matrix. Relation between invertibility of a square matrix and rank, inverse matrix by Gauss reduction method.
7 Fevereiro 2025, 14:30 • Alexandra Symeonides
ex 6 c)d) discussion of ex 7
4 Fevereiro 2025, 09:30 • Alexandra Symeonides
Product of matrices, powers of matrices. Rank of matrix: definition; invariance under transposition.
Ex. 10 e)f)g); 12 a)b)c); 13.