Lesson P12 - Microsoft Teams
20 Maio 2020, 10:30 • Telmo Peixe
Resolution of exercises (Differential equations) 1.4.(a,c,d,f,j,k,l,m), and 1.5.(c).
Lesson P11 - Microsoft Teams
13 Maio 2020, 10:30 • Telmo Peixe
Resolution of exercises (Differential equations) 1.1.(a,b,f), extra.(a,b), and 1.2.(a,e).
Lesson P10 - Microsoft Teams
6 Maio 2020, 10:30 • Telmo Peixe
Resolution of exercises (Differential calculus) 3.28.(b), and (Multiple integrals) 1.2.(f), 1.3.(b), 1.5.(b,d,e,f), and 1.6.
Lesson P09 - Microsoft Teams
29 Abril 2020, 10:30 • Telmo Peixe
Resolution of exercises (Optimization problems) 1.8, and an extra exercise applied to economy, and (Multiple integrals) 1.1.(a,b,d), and 1.2.(b,d).
Lesson P08 - Microsoft Teams
22 Abril 2020, 10:30 • Telmo Peixe
Resolution of exercises (Optimization problems) 1.1.(g,l), 1.2.(a), extra exercise, 1.6.(a,b), and 1.7.(a,b).