Class 5
29 Fevereiro 2016, 08:00 • João Janela
Limits in Rn. Alternative definitions according tio Heine and to Cauchy.
Basic properties of limits.
Exercises (symmetric matrices, domain and topology of functions in Rn)
25 Fevereiro 2016, 10:00 • GILSON INÁCIO DUARTE SOARES SILVA
Exercices of List 1:
1.6 a), b), c), e), f), h)
Ecercices of List 2:
2.1 a), d)
2.2 a), b)
2.3 b)
Class 4
23 Fevereiro 2016, 08:00 • João Janela
Topological concepts. Limit points and limit sets. Bounded and unbounded sets. Compact sets.
Sequences in Rn. Convergence of sequences. Calculation of limits of sequences.
Class 3
22 Fevereiro 2016, 08:00 • João Janela
Functions of several variables.
Domain, image, graphic.
Examples of graphical representation.
Distance, balls in Rn, topology.
Exercises: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. Quadratic forms.
18 Fevereiro 2016, 10:00 • GILSON INÁCIO DUARTE SOARES SILVA
1.1 a), b), g)
1.2 a),b),c)
1.4 a), b), c), d), e)
1.5 a), d)