
Class 13

20 Maio 2022, 08:00 Vicente Lorenzo García

Differential equations.

Exercises: 5.5 e; 6.1 a, b, c; 6.2 a, b; 6.4 a, h

Class 13

19 Maio 2022, 08:00 Alberto López

6.1abc, 6.2 abc, 64 abh, 6.5c

Lecture 22

17 Maio 2022, 10:00 José Pedro Gaivão

1st order ODEs. Separating variables. General solution. 

Initial Value Problems. Examples. 

2nd order linear ODEs. General solution and boundary value problems. 

Lecture 21

16 Maio 2022, 10:00 José Pedro Gaivão

Triple integrals. Example. 

Introduction to scalar ordinary differential equations (ODE). 

Linear ODEs. Integrating factor. 

Class 12

13 Maio 2022, 08:00 Vicente Lorenzo García

Multiple integrals.

Exercises: 5.1 c; 5.2 f; 5.3 a; 5.5 g