
Chap 17 exercises

5 Março 2024, 16:00 James M. Kohlmeyer, III

In-class exercises:

E23, E26, E28

Chap 17 Lecture

4 Março 2024, 15:00 James M. Kohlmeyer, III

I. Joint-cost basics

            A. Terms

1. Joint costs (JC) - costs of production process that yield multiple products simultaneously (costs incurred up to split-off pt)

* JC is irrelevant for decision-making (sunk cost)

   JC is relevant for accounting purposes in financial reporting

2. Split-off point: point in manufacturing process in which two or more products

Become separately identifiable (e.g. coal: coke and natural gas)

3. Separable costs - manufacturing , marketing, distribution costs incurred BEYOND split-off point

                        Exhibit 1 - examples of joint cost situations

4. Main product - one product with high total sales value as compared with total sales value

5. Joint product - two or more products from same input


II. Approaches to Allocating joint costs

            A. Approach 1: Market-based data (i.e. revenues)

                        1. Sales value @ split-off pt.

                        2. Net realizable value (NRV)

                        3. Constant GM % method


            B. Approach 2: physical measures (e.g. weight, qty, volume)

                        * May be misleading allocation because some items weigh more than others


III. Approach 1

            A. Sales value @ split-off pt

                        1. Allocates joint costs to joint products on basis of relative total sales value at

                        Split-off pt  Exhibit 3

                        2. NRV

                                    a. products processed further beyond split-off pt

                                    b. increase value above SP @ split-off pt

c. allocated joint costs to joint products on basis of NRV (Final SP - separable costs)   Exhibit 6


            B. Physical measures method

1. Allocates joint costs to jt products produced on basis of a comparable physical measure (relative weight, qty, volume) @ split-off pt

                        Exhibit 4

IV. Sell or process further

            A. Definition

                        1. Decision rule:

Incremental revenue from processing further  >  incremental cost from processing further, then process further beyond split-off point


Incremental revenue from processing further  <  incremental cost from processing further, then do not process further beyond split-off point

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1 Março 2024, 17:30 James M. Kohlmeyer, III

Exercises: Chapter 2: P38 and P43, Chapter 4: E30

Exercises chapters 2 and 4

1 Março 2024, 13:30 James M. Kohlmeyer, III

Exercises: Chapter 2: P38 and P43, Chapter 4: E30

Exercises - chapter 4

28 Fevereiro 2024, 15:30 James M. Kohlmeyer, III

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In-class exercises: E21, E23, E25