Métodos de Ensino e Avaliações
Lectures allow students to grasp the fundamental concepts of management accounting. In the review sessions practical exercises are solved. Continuous evaluation (“época normal”) => Individual final test (50%) + First midterm (20%) + Second midterm (20%) + Case 1 (5%) + Case 2 (5%) => The minimum required mark for the individual final test is 7.5/20. => The continuous evaluation is compulsory for the calculation of the final mark. Final evaluation (“Época de Recurso”) and grade improvement exams => Individual final test => The final mark will consider the student’s continuous evaluation with the respective weights if it is beneficial for the student and as long as the minimum mark in the written exam is of 7.5/20 Special evaluations (September) => Individual final test Calculators with memory (e.g., graphics) smartwatches, tablets, computers, cellphones or any other element of consultation, will not be accepted in any test, exam, mid-terms.