
Lecture 06

25 Setembro 2018, 15:00 Luís Costa

     2.8. Fiscal policy and crowding out
     2.9. Budget deficits and public debt. Financing budget deficits.

Lecture 05

24 Setembro 2018, 15:00 Luís Costa

2.5. Simultaneous equilibrium of product and money markets

2.6. The liquidity trap

2.7. The classical case

Seminar 02

21 Setembro 2018, 15:30 Luís Costa

(Seminar 01 corresponding to chapter 01 is not taught)

Problem 3.21 a)-e) and i), pp. 95-96.

Lecture 04

18 Setembro 2018, 15:00 Luís Costa

     2.3. Money demand and supply.
     2.4. The LM schedule.

Lectures 01 and 03

17 Setembro 2018, 15:00 Luís Costa


(Lecture 02 corresponding to chapter 1 is not taught)

II. The IS-LM Model. Fiscal Policy and Crowing Out.
     2.1. Investiment and interest rates.
     2.2. The IS schedule.