
Lecture 2 part 2

7 Novembro 2023, 18:00 Paulo Brito

The household problem: continuation

Lecture 1 Part 2

31 Outubro 2023, 18:00 Paulo Brito

Household dynamic problems

Lecture 7

24 Outubro 2023, 18:00 Bernardino Adão

Inclusion of government expenditures both as a utility good and as a production input in the Business Cycle model. Pop Quizz 3.

Lecture 7

17 Outubro 2023, 18:00 Bernardino Adão

Business Cycle Model with Capital. Fiscal Policy.

Lecture 5

10 Outubro 2023, 18:00 Bernardino Adão

The sticky-price macro model. Second Pop-quizz.