
Business cycles and international comovement

8 Outubro 2019, 18:00 Paulo Bastos

- A model of business cycles with stochastic shocks

- Evidence on propagation mechanisms

- Evidence on international comovement

The Decentralized Economy (cont.); Business cycles

1 Outubro 2019, 18:00 Paulo Bastos

- Decentralized Economy (cont.)

   - Labor supply

   - Firms

   - Labor demand without adjustment costs

   - Labor demand with adjustment costs

- General equilibrium

   - Household and firm budget constraints

   - Labor market

   - Goods market

   - Complete solution


- Business cycles

    - Definition

    - Measurement

    - Stylized facts


The Decentralized Economy

24 Setembro 2019, 18:00 Paulo Bastos

- Introduction

- Consumption

   - The Consumption Decision

   - The Intertemporal Budget Constraint

   - Interpreting the Euler Equation

   - Consumption Function

   - Permanent and Temporary Shocks

- Life-Cycle Theory 

   - Implications

   - Model of Perpetual Youth

- Durable Goods

Introduction/ The Centralized Economy

17 Setembro 2019, 18:00 Paulo Bastos

- Introduction

- Notes on models

- The Dynamic General Equilibrium Approach to Macroeconomics

- The Centralized Economy

   - Introduction

   - The basic DGE Economy

   - Golden Rule Solution

   - Optimal Solution