1. Working group assessment: M&A strategy case study - 10%

Size of groups: 3

To be done out of the class in two weeks.


2. Working group assessment: Corporate Valuation Case Study - 40%

Size of groups: 3

To be done out of class - date to be defined between 7 April to 16 April

Subsequently to the submission and grading some groups might be selected for a meeting for presentation and discussion with the faculty. 


3. Individual assessment on Due diligence and Financing - 20%

To be done in class 


4. Final exam 30%

This is an essay exam

Time: 45 minutes plus 15 minutes tolerance

The exam will cover the whole syllabus but issues not evaluated yet would be more relevant and other items the faculy find a need for improvement from the two previous evaluation 

Some students might be selected for an oral examination with the faculty