
Mestrado Bolonha em Economia Monetária e Financeira

Analisar realidades monetárias e financeiras atuais que encontram a sua explicação quando perspetivadas no longo prazo. Num mundo que continua a debater o papel das instituições financeiras no crescimento económico, os regimes cambiais, as uniões monetárias e as causas das crises financeiras, o objetivo será dotar os mestrandos de competências de análise explicativa e comparativa sobre estas problemáticas.

Mestrado Bolonha em Finanças

To analyse and explain monetary and financial issues from a historical perspective in order to provide students with skills to discuss, historically and scientifically, the role of financial institutions in modern economic growth, the macroeconomic performance of exchange rate regimes, monetary unions and causes of financial crises, thereby giving them the means to explain and compare these issues. To survey the history of monetary regimes and financial institutions in order to analyse their influence on present-day realities; To analyse historically of how financial intermediation has affected economic growth.