
Producer theory (cont.)

23 Outubro 2014, 19:30 Joana Pais

Cost. Cost minimization problem in the long run and in the short run. Exercises. Duality in production. The profit maximization problem.

Theory of the firm

17 Outubro 2014, 21:00 Joana Pais

Production function. MRTS. Elasticity of substitution. Returns to scale. Examples.


16 Outubro 2014, 19:30 Joana Pais

Choice under uncertainty. Expected utility property. The Allais Paradox. Risk aversion. The Arrow-Pratt coefficient.

Revelaed preference

10 Outubro 2014, 21:00 Joana Pais

Revealed preference. Exercises.

Duality. Revealed preference

9 Outubro 2014, 19:30 Joana Pais

Duality. Properties of the demand function. Revealed preference: WARP, SARP.