- 01 Introduction cap 1.pdf
- 02 Economic circunstances chp 2 .pdf
- 03 Preferencias e curvas de indiferenca chp 4.pdf
- 04 Different tastes chp 5.pdf
- 05 Choice chp6.pdf
- 06 07 Income and substit effects chp7.pdf
- 08 09 workers and savers chp3.pdf
- 10 Demand and Labour supply chp 9.pdf
- 11 Revisoes antes 1teste.pdf
- 12 DWL chp 10.pdf
- 13-14 One Input One Output chp 11.pdf
- 15-16 Production with Multiple inputs chp12.pdf
- 17-18 Long run and short run chp13.pdf
- 19 -20 Competitive market chp14.pdf
- 21-22 First Welfare Theorem cap15.pdf